
3000 models +1, Your

RD Europe Group is specialized in electric motor components. High technologic and production quality represent advantages of proposed range, that includes over 3.000 models of commutators, divided in three lines: hook, barrels, rings.

 RD Europe Group's product could be used in many industrial application. Company know how and its consultation service, always at disposal, allow an elevated grade of production customization: from project phase, RD Europe Group works in cooperation with customer to supply customized technical solutions.

Barrel Commutators, over 2000 models, up to 395 mm of diameter

Hook Commutators, over 1000 models, up to 63 mm of diameter

Slipring Commutators: over 100 models, up to 250 mm of diameter

 Application field of the Commutators’ line are:

- Home appliances

- Industry

- Automotive

- Traction

- Automation

- Power tools

- Generators










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Hook CommuatorsHook Commuators [932 Kb]










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Slotted CommutatorSlotted Commutator [1.186 Kb]










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SlipringSlipring [1.405 Kb]

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